Tuesday, July 16, 2013

20 weeks...

I cant believe we are HALFWAY there. It is time to start getting Charlie Belle’s nursery together.

How far along? 20 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain/loss? gained 6 pounds
Maternity clothes? I am wearing maternity clothes 80 % of the time. I can still wear some of my shirts and dresses from before but not much.  
Stretch marks? My belly button ring hole has small pink marks on top of it… and I have a few that have snuck up on my side… I am constantly using my coco butter lotions.
Sleep: I'm sleeping good… I wake up at least once sometimes twice to use the potty. Still going to bed way earlier than I ever have, and am still having strange dreams. I’m trying not to sleep flat on my back anymore either.
Best moment of this week: Seeing Charlie Belle on the ultrasound at our 20 week appointment.
Have you told family and friends? Yes, everyone knows :) 
Miss anything? I haven't really missed alcohol yet. I miss Blimpi  
Movement? Tiny little flutters J It is so amazing!!!
Food Cravings? Nothing really.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Just not eating regularly
Have you started to show yet? Yes
Gender prediction? It’s a GIRL 
Labor signs? No
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Looking forward to? Mark getting to feel Charlie Belle, and working on the nursery

Our sweet Charlie Belle at our 20 week appointment

Side profile

Most of her body

Looking at us

We have also made our first big baby purchase.. my Mommy car! We went and test drove everything that we were slightly interested in.... and the winner was the Ford Explorer. We absolutely love it! It is going to be perfect for our little family, and super safe for our baby girl. 

&& Our Princess will be named....

Charlie Belle Sims

We knew from the beginning that if Baby Sims was a girl she would be named Charlie after Mark’s Daddy. We have said since we started talking about our future children that we would name one of them Charlie. If we had a boy first we were going to wait and see what baby number two was and if it was another boy then baby boy number 2 would have been Charlie, but I wanted a girl Charlie really bad. We went back and forth on the middle name for a little bit, but decided on Belle after my Dad’s mom, my Maw.  So our princess will be called Charlie Belle, which fits so perfect for our southern little girl.

Way overdue...

I have been meaning to post an update and just haven’t gotten around to it lately… I’m going to do better from here on out. So much has happened since my last post.

At 14 weeks we went to Baby Visions on Roswell Road to find out the baby’s gender. We are so excited we could barely stand it… My parents came with us to find out. Before going Mark was convinced we were having a Boy, he said he just had a feeling. My parents were on the opposite side.. from the day we told them they were going to be Grandparents they said it was a girl. I really had no idea.. I kept thinking that one day I would have some sort of feeling or a dream about a baby girl or baby boy, but I never did.

Some of the Gender Predictions were:
Baby Sims heartbeat is Above or Below 140 - GIRL
Craving Sweet or Salty - GIRL
Morning Sickness Yes or No - BOY
Moody or Happy - BOY
My skin is Soft or Dry - GIRL
Sleep on Right or Left side - BOY
Do I have More headaches since being pregnant. Yes or No - BOY
Chinese Gender Calendar Boy or Girl - BOY
Ring on a string Circles or Back and Forth - GIRL
Do I eat the crust on bread. Yes or No - BOY

4 GIRL – 6 BOY

When the ultrasound tech said “It’s a Girl” I was floored! I was blown away at the thought of having a little girl. Mark got a little chocked up and looked at me while holding my hand and said “I wanted a girl the whole time” in between tears. It was the sweetest thing ever! We were all so excited just to know what this precious baby would be.

Of course we were excited to find out what the gender was, I was amazed at how much she had grown since the 7 week ultrasound. She actually looked like a little baby, and she was moving so much. Kicking her little feet and putting her little butt up in the air. She was already being a little stubborn and wouldn't look straight at us, we could only get a side profile. It was almost more exciting to see her moving around than finding out that she was a she. After our appointment we went to Ruth Chris to have a celebratory dinner.

We found out the gender on Monday and we had to keep it hidden until our Gender Reveal Party on Sunday. The party went great considering all the rain we had that day. It stopped just long enough for us to let our secret out.