Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Our family is growing....

Yep, we are beyond excited to be expecting our first baby!

We are 13 weeks pregnant, and are so happy that we finally get to share all of our excitement with all of our friends and family. We told everyone a few days before 12 weeks because we just couldnt keep it in any more.

I always thought of the day when I would be pregnant and how I would feel but I never could have imagined the joy and love that I already feel for this tiny little baby growing inside me.

I decided that I would track my pregnancy and my baby bump.

Luckily so far I havent been sick, all I have really experienced is a little nausea every now and then and a good bit of heartburn. The only other big change is my eating habits.. I can only eat small meals.. and I eat them pretty frequently. I havent been craving anything crazy yet except fruit like pineapple, plums, and pears. I really want a turkey bacon blitz sandwich from Honey Baked Ham like once a week, and coleslaw from Wallace BBQ is on my mind a good bit! 

We have had two ultrasounds so far and that is by far the most amazing thing in the world, to see and hear this little baby with the small speck flashing on the screen that is the heart beating It is so magical. We couldnt stand the fact that we would only get to hear the heartbeat when we had doctor’s appointments so we ordered the Sonoline B at home Doppler. It was one of the best purchases I’ve ever made. We listen to the baby’s heartbeat once a week and it is even more amazing each time. It’s so fast, each time we have heard it it’s been between 165-176.

Here are the pictures from our first ultrasound. Baby Sims was so tiny. 

Here is the progress we have made so far...

At 10 weeks Baby Sims was an inch and a half long from crown to rump, about the size of a prune. The tooth buds are forming. Bones and cartilage are forming, and the tiny legs and arms are beginning to get little indentations where the knees and ankles are. These details are so incredible to me. 

Baby Sims at 11 weeks is a little more than 2 inches long. Hair follicles are forming on top of the baby's tiny little head. Fingernails and toenail beds are beginning to develop. Baby Sims can stretch, do somersaults, and forward rolls. 

Baby Sims is 2 and a half inches long at 12 weeks, the size of a large plum. He or she has more than doubled in size over the past 3 weeks. The features on Baby Sims face are becoming more defined this week... I cant wait to see what Baby Sims will look like :)

How far along? 13 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss? gained 3lbs
Maternity clothes? Mama gave me a bag full of amazing maternity clothes for mothers day. I love all the pants. and the shirts and tanks are extra long which is amazing! 
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: I'm sleeping great! Going to bed way earlier than I ever have. I am having weird dreams but nothing bad just strange. 
Best moment of this week: Hearing the baby's heartbeat when we came home from the beach
Have you told family and friends? Yes, everyone knows :) 
Miss anything? I haven't really missed alcohol yet, but being at the beach this past weekend I did miss the Long Island Tea from Pineapple Willys. 
Movement? not yet
Food Cravings? fruit, Wallace BBQ coleslaw, Turkey Bacon Blitz from Honey Baked Ham
Anything making you queasy or sick? not really
Have you started to show yet? I can see a little bump, but I'm sure no one else really notices it
Gender prediction? I'm not sure. Mark swears its a boy & my parents swear its a girl. 
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time? happy
Looking forward to? Finding out if this little baby is a boy or girl :) 

I will post Week 13 soon!